Calculation Guidance

Blended OPE Calculation Steps

1. Reduce the Gross Salary by the relevant Average Leave Adjustable rate and any compensation from Excluded Earn Codes to calculate the Adjustable Base Salary.

Adjusted Base Salary = Gross Salary - Average Leave Adjustable rate - Excluded Earn Codes

2. Multiply the Adjustable Base Salary by the applicable Blended OPE rate. This returns the OPE Cost of the employee.

OPE Cost = Adjusted Base Salary * Blended OPE rate

PERS Side Account Calculation Steps (does not apply to Student or Graduate employees)

3. Multiply the Adjustable Base Salary by the applicable PERS rate. This returns the PERS cost of the employee.

                PERS cost = Adjusted Base Salary * PERS rate

Total Cost of Employee Calculation Steps

4. Add the Adjusted Base Salary to the OPE & PERS Costs to arrive at the Total Cost of the Employee, Salary, OPE and PERS side account.

Total Cost of Employee = Adjusted Base Salary + OPE Cost + PERS Cost