Tuition Equity
The Tuition Equity law (Oregon House Bill 2787) provides that undocumented students who meet certain criteria are exempt from nonresident tuition and fees—in other words, they would pay the same rates as Oregon residents
Foster Youth Tuition and Fee Waiver
The Foster Youth Tuition and Fee Waiver originated with the passage of House Bill 3471. It was further amended by HB 2095. Eligible students may receive the Foster Youth Tuition and Fee Waiver for the equivalent of four years of undergraduate education.
Veteran - Financial Aid
The Office of Veterans Affairs, a unit within the Office of the Registrar, is located in 244 Oregon Hall, and helps eligible student veterans, reservists and dependents obtain educational benefits in compliance with the procedures and regulations of the United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).
Application Fees
Information about application fees and application fee waiver programs can be found at the at the following sites: