Beginning Budget Process

Fiscal Year 2026 Beginning Budget

The Beginning Budget Process

  • Units will balance their FY26 spend plan using their FY25 Period 07 permanent budget.
  • After the close of FY25 Period 07, budgets are downloaded from Banner.
  • February 28 - Excel worksheets containing the unit’s FOAPAL elements, and the permanent budget associated, will be sent to the Level 3 Responsibility Unit (RU) budget partner via Microsoft Office 365 OneDrive.
  • March 11, 2:00PM - Budget Conversation Q&A on the budget process, via Teams.
  • April 4, 9:00AM - Deadline for completed worksheets due back via OneDrive or by email to Kelly Peterson for vetting.
  • FY26 Beginning Budgets are uploaded into Banner Period 01.

Future Dates for the Beginning Budget Process

  • FY 2027:  February 27, 2026 - unit worksheets distributed with a due date to BRP April 6, 2026
  • FY 2028:  March 1, 2027 - unit worksheets distributed with a due date to BRP April 5, 2027
  • FY 2029:  March 1, 2028 - unit worksheets distributed with a due date to BRP April 3, 2028

For questions about the process contact your analyst-RU partner.

What is Beginning Budget?

The Beginning Budget process is the framework used by units to formulate and create budgets for the coming fiscal year. The process begins with units submitting detailed information on spending and revenue budgets. Annual training is offered for both seasoned budget preparers and those new to the university's budget process.

Budgeting Notes

There are several Fund Types that are not budgeted in the Beginning Budget Process. An example of this would be Federal Grants (Fund Type 31), these are budgeted using a different process through Sponsored Projects Services. Fund Types not budgeted are: 31-35, 38, 41, 61-62, 81, 83, and 91.

Funds that are part of the Beginning Budget Process are balanced at the Level 3 organization (also known as the RU). Allocated funds should balance to zero from base budget to proposed budget. Non-allocated funds should balance to zero from revenue less expenses.

While the calendar reflects dates for Level 3 RU budget partner deadlines, there may be internal deadlines within an RU. Please work with your Level 3 RU budget partner to complete and submit your beginning budget spreadsheets.

Stipend Account Codes should not be budgeted in a regular salary account code, but rather on a stipend account code (i.e. 10107, 10177, etc.). Please do not forget to budget the associated OPE in the appropriate OPE account.

Fund transfers that are expected to take place in the new fiscal year should be budgeted and be detailed on the transfer template.

ISRs should be minimal (if any) on allocated funds in the 0011** series. If a unit is relying heavily on ISRs within this fund series, it is suggested that the activity prompting the ISR be moved to a revenue bearing fund type and the activity be processed as an Internal Sale instead.

Overhead should be budgeted on account code 70002.

Budget Development Worksheets

Budget Development Sheets will be distributed via OneDrive. The Level 3 RU budget partner will receive an email granting them access to their specific folder, and will then be able to access and distribute their unit’s budget files.

How to Access OneDrive Folder